Senin, 15 Agustus 2011

Hints and Hex Cheat (need Cheat Engine) F.A. premier league manager 2002

F.A. Premier League Manager 2002

Submitted by: Mark

Be careful when putting up all of your players skill
level using the editor, because too much and in play
they all get injured fast, roughly 2 a game.

Submitted by: Daniel-Shortie

You have to open the savegame and then go to offset:
E296F0 And change the value to "0000008074D2CA41"
To get 900,000,000.

Submitted by: Gazza

Go to game editor and there you can change any team eg
add players or put there skill up to what you want. Change
there cash flow or capacity of stadium then go to file and
click export name the file then start the game and you will
have changed evrything to want you wanted.

99 skill players:
If you go into the files included with the game to find a game
database editor. Start it, then click on "Edit players/Clubs". Go
to a country, and then a team. Click on "Players" and select
"Edit Player". Click on "Player Skill" and change every skill to
255. Then, change his age to 24. Next, go back to the main menu
and select "File", then "Export". You do not have to save the
file, but if your computer crashes you will keep the information.
Then, start a new game. The player you changed will have 99 skill.
He will cost a lot of money to buy him -- move him to the desired
team instead.

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